So Azerbaijan’s entry is called “Truth”. And they insistently tell you to shut up about it:
Guess that makes sense in a country that has a rather interesting view on truths and the ability to speak up about them. Indeed, there are so many puns worth making about the Azeri lyrics this year, we don’t even know where to begin. But let’s save those for later and concentrate on the song, which certainly deserves attention.
This is the second entry made by Borislav Milanov this year, and he is doing a good job at becoming Thomas G:Son the 2nd. We love his way of modernizing Eurovision schlagers and even though we may be just a hint more positive to Malta, Azerbaijan is still up there among our favorites this year. It has an uptempo, contemporary sound, but is still recognizable enough for the grannies among us.
Also, creds for the fact that Boris mixes some ethnic sounds in there, which is rare for Azerbaijan, who usually pretends to be Sweden the generic hit machine. This sounds genuine and real, like it was made for the big hit lists of Caucasus (not that we know their name), just after a short stop in the final of Eurovision.
The artist himself, Chingiz Mustafayev, has more than a perfectly toned torso (But my, does he have a perfectly toned torso! Spot on hotlist instantly reserved). He seems professional and comfortable. And must also be talented, as he did win both Idol and The Voice Ukraine (we know, that does seem familiar?). One can never know when one hasn’t seen things live, but we think there must be something there.
Just like the Dutch prince Duncan Laurence, Chingiz is swimming around in a fish tank. What a clever and subtile way to try and reach the fan boys in the year of Aquaman. But other than that, the video is great. It stars a woman painted in gold, a man with a pearl mask and a pink skirt, a grand old lady with diamond hair, a woman with gold horns, a blue woman with red lipstick, a man in a jumpsuit that would make Ziggy Stardust scream with joy and a hare krishna like dude trying to move like Loreen. What more can you want from a video?
It remains to be seen how this will all translate to a live performance. But knowing the Azeris, there’s probably no need to worry. We’ll be seeing them on that left side of the score board again. And we’ll gladly welcome them there.
Just shut up about it, would you?

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