That Romania should be a proud country. Not only did they give us count Dracula, Nadia Comăneci, Alec Secăreanu, marvelous bottles of Feteasca Negra and a mesmerizing Transylvanian view. They also gave us, Mihai Trăistariu, Cezar, Paula Selling and Ovi Jacobsen…Or wait, WE actually gave Romania Ovi Jacobsen, come to think of it, but Romania did supply his groundbreaking circle piano.
The last decades have been glorious indeed since a certain leader waved his last goodbye and the EU welcomed the rest of the lot to their union. We were all happy for the Romanians and started teaching them all about our Western European customs. Like wearing leather catsuits and taking part in Eurovision, which they culturally appropriated and immediately excelled in. It was the best of times. But then a certain Blondie was appointed chief of country and something definitely changed. The social democratic party turned out to be neither social nor particularly democratic. In other words, Romania stopped listening to its people and made it up to the chosen few to make decisions and pick their winners.
Of course, that wasn’t good for Romanian Eurovision participation. There was a change in the TV stations. The winning ambitions dropped. The choreographers quit. Burning pianos went out of fashion. Last year’s entry was so bad most of the performers asked the permissions to wear masks onstage and someone payed all the Romanian expats to vote otherwise so at least we only had to see the misery once.
Long story short, how does this year’s entry fit into this story? Quite well. There’s a fearless blonde caring about no one but her self – not even those who told her to pronounce English in an understandable way, especially the days of the week, which she must have rehearsed in high school. She is surrounded by a couple of rather strict looking men banging their drums like they are guarding Vlad Tepes himselv. And instead of doing what she was told to do, meaning deliver lyrics in a musical way, she keeps grinding her teeth and screaming “ey!”.
Not that the Romanian people elected her either, of course. Their votes ironically only counted for 15 per cent, in favor of the opinions of the chosen few, this time being the international jury formerly known as Wiwiboys William and Deban. Previously, these guys, journalist hat on, disliked Ester’s song and praised the song of Laura Bretan, which happened to be the song the Romanians also wanted to represent them (yes, them). But for some reason minds changed, jury hat on. Ester won. And conspiracy level is reaching peak level in the comment corner of the Internet. The most recent theory is that Will and Deb was influenced by the fact that Laura supports Romania’s anti gay laws, which shouldn’t make anyone negative, of course. God forbid.
Guess those press ethics were there for a reason. We think it has something to do with the avoidance of angry Romanians that once learned about democratic values and now feel it is time to cash in. We don’t know But oh, how we love the drama. Isn’t that what Eurovision is all about? In fact, everyone fought so much online over this story that we all totally forgot what a bore both Ester and Laura was and how neither would have had a single chance of reaching Saturday in Tel Aviv. And this is where we, contrary to popular opinion, heartfully thank Wiwibloggs’ founders/editors/journalists/jury members. Keep on doing your work, guys. We suggest Poland next.
“I want to do it differently in Tel Aviv. I want to make explosive things”, Ester said in the interview with jury come journalists William and Deban after her win.
We cannot possibly imagine what could go wrong there. But may we suggest keeping the journalist hat on for that one?
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