Yay, yesterday was our first party at EuroClub. And what more appropriate than to attend the Israeli party, where they had great falafel, tons of performances by various artists and the best host ever to be seen on a stage in Kyiv. This is the one day a year where we are allowed to love Israel unconditionally, and we make good use of it, of course. Also, it was very good to do some dancing after stuffing our faces with at least half a kilo melted cheese in a Georgian restaurant.
We have some awards to hand out:
Best Petra Mede quality of the evening: The host. What a fantastic woman. Can someone lock up those presenters in tonight’s semi final so we can throw her onstage last minute?

Worst idea of the evening: The organizers of EuroClub, not allowing drinks on the dance floor. We heard it was to take care of the carpet. We wish them good luck with that.
Second worst idea of the evening: The organizers of EuroClub, keeping a very bright light in the area. Our make-up is not calibered for this. Something needs to be done in the state of Ukraine. And there’s another letter for EBU to write.
Best chemistry of the evening: Romania. If only we could keep them on mute, they would be among our absolute favorites

Best cover of the evening: The OBGYNs of Netherlands, doing Euphoria. We just have to admit this once and for all: They do know how to sing. And to please a crowd.

Worst cover of the evening: France’s Alma and Austria’s Nathan Trent, doing J´ai Cherché. And here we were, thinking Amir was actually going to show up.
Second largest disappointment of the evening: The DJ, playing only half of Golden Boy before switching songs? OMG, there are so many letters to write to so many governments right now.
Third largest disappointment of the evening: Norway’s JOWST, not showing up to play in EuroClub like almost all the other artists in Thursday’s semi final. WHERE were they hiding? Bad call, Jan Fredrik. Unless you were all busy negotiating yet another Oslo agreement in the diplomat section, of course.
Most embarrassing moment of the evening: Alma asking the crowd if they remember how J´ai Cherché starts and not getting any response whatsoever. Guess that is also an acknowledgement of what happens when vodka shots cost half a Euro in EuroClub. God help us all.
Bravest person at the party: This guy. Waving the German flag straight in front of the Israeli ambassador. AND cheering for the dead certain last place this year.

Best comfort when waking up after wee to many vodka shots in EuroClub: The Belarusians. Doing this:
OMG, we even love Belarus now. The stuff a few falafels can do to your act of judgement.