Make room for this year’s Donald Trump. Here comes Omar Naber:
In a tight race with Spain’s Manel, Omar is in the lead for winning the prestigious award “Most unpopular artist” from the fans this year. The reason? Him formerly being convicted of sexual harassment. Do we like that kind of behaviour in Eurovision? Not particularly no.
Not outside of the contest either, come to think of it. But as former backstage workers in tank tops we’ll sadly tell you there are a LOT of great artists in this world we would have to disapprove of if decent behaviour towards women was a prerequisite. What matters in the contest is what they do onstage. And pussy grabbing could actually make you president these days, so we guess Omar’s total lack of decency shouldn’t be enough to rule Slovenia out either. Luckily the song manages THAT pretty well on its own.
“On My Way” is yet another of those ballads sounding like it is taken straight out of a dated Disney musical. Only it’s not the main song, but something the producer accidentally threw up on a scene where the hero’s brother needs to get out of the plot because him being there wasn’t justified in the first place and the audience is starting to get bored with the poor fellah. Not that it helps that they sing about their exit in their best voice available, but one might need a toilet break during a musical as well, and there is always some bad needed to make the good look better.
We cannot understand how the Slovenians could vote for this guy, but then again, someone from that country also went ahead and married Donald Trump. There are many resemblances between Omar and Donald Trump, really, and it’s not just about bad hair and unbuttoned blazers. They are both oversimplifying, outdated, pompous people with supersized egos and questionable pasts who don’t know what they are doing and they were both elected over better candidates contrary to everybody’s expectations. Yet here they are, doing damage upon damage and we can’t seem to get rid of them. All we can do is close our eyes and pray for better luck with the next candidate.
One difference, though: It turned out Donald actually managed to win the final contest. We cannot for the sake of our raped eardrums even see this in the final. Bliss.