When we have nothing interesting to say about an entry we’re reviewing we usually turn to the artists’ bio on Eurovision.tv. What a goldmine of useless information and general nonsense, mostly written in poor English. This is also the place where we can pick up a few random fun facts about everything from where the artists have obtained their university degrees, how many talent shows they have attended and perhaps also won, and whether they have a (lucky) routine before they go on stage.
From Lindita’s bio we learn that she speaks English, German, Spanish and Croatian, she reached the top 25 on American Idol in 2016, she has opened (her heart/a Bed&Breakfast/the door/a can of beans, we’re not really sure, it doesn’t specify) for Backstreet Boys and she eats eggs and drink tea before she goes on stage. She sounds fun!
This year she has the good fortune of fulfilling her childhood dream of participating in the Eurovision Song Contest. The song Botë has morphed into World, and it sounds like a 3 minute long intro for a MMA fight and remotely reminds us of Come With Me, Puff Daddy’s collaboration with Jimmy Page back in the late 90s. And just to make it abundantly clear, none of the above-mentioned connotations evoke positive feelings in us.
As we have discussed numerous times before when reviewing the Albanian entries on our blog, we can only repeat ourselves like a broken record. We do not understand the first thing about the Albanians everlasting love for heavy guitar riffs and symphonic rock, we wish they wouldn’t’ revamp the Festivali i Këngës winning song and for the love of God, when will they stop making these acid trip promo videos?
Just like Eneda Tarifa last year, Lindita seems like a hoot and she sure can belt out a tune well and proper. It’s a waste of talent giving her such an inaccessible, messy and overproduced song to perform. And so another year will go by without Albania in the Grand Final.

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