Time to look a bit further East for all the fans to be found there. Our focus on a few of the fabulous Poles in this competition over the years, has also introduced us some equally fabulous fans. This lovely fellah even cares about women’s rights, which is not always prioritized in Euro Club, come to think of it. Meet Bartek:
– Name, age, occupation, where are you from?
– I’m Bartłomiej, shorter version of my name is Bartek. I’m 23 years old from small town in Northern Poland called Biskupiec. Anyway, I study tourism at Univeristy in Olsztyn.
– Why do you love Eurovision?
– I love Eurovision because I’m interested in foreign cultures. As we all know, Eurovision brings al the European cultures together, and the Australian one too. Thanks to Eurovision I’ve met a lot of great people, some of them are my closest friends. Thanks to Eurovision I’ve discovered a lot of great music.
– Tell us about a favorite memory related to Eurovision (Bring it on, the dirtier, the better)!
– Well, my favourite Eurovision memory is from Vienna 2015. It was my first Eurovision which I’ve watched live. During the Polish performance I saw a guy who was crying. As you know I’m from Poland, so that was so touching to me. Especially because I was huge supporter of Monika and I knew that her main goal was to catch people´s hearts.
– Did you meet any Eurovision artists? Who was your favorite encounter and why?
– Actually, I haven’t closely met any Eurovision artist. During Vienna 2015 I’ve talked with Marta Jandova for a moment. It was after the results were announced. She was really sad and I told her that she was fantastic. I also had the opportunity to talk with Edyta Górniak or Kasia Kowalska.

– And what Eurovision artist would you invite for dinner if you got to choose freely?
– Oh damn, this is a hard question. For sure it would be Sirusho because I’m her biggest fan ever. I even have a tattoo with her name. I loved her before Eurovision and my biggest dream is to meet her. Anyway, I would like to invite Harel Skaat for a dinner. He was fantastic back in 2010. He is handsome, has a great voice and his song had a great meaning, so it would be nice to talk.
– What is your favorite entry ever?
– As you can guess after the previous answer, my favourite entry is Qele Qele. I love songs where pop meets ethno sounds.
– What is your favorite entry this year?
– This year is really weird. I usually have one hot favourite, but this year I have six. If I have to choose, my 12 points go to Switzerland, but I also want to note that I love Italy, Poland, France, Belgium and Estonia.
– What is the ultimate fan behavior?
– Because the Eurovision is about coming together and celebrating diversity, an ultimate Eurovision fan should bring everyone together on that night to share the moment.
– If Eurovision suddenly decided politics were allowed, what would be your first political statement?
– I would love to sing or speak about women rights in certain countries. This is very important for me.
– Are you going to Kyiv or do you have other plans for the final? What are your expectations?
– I’m going to Kyiv. I have tickets for the 1st semifinal and the Grand Final. I want to meet with my friends from all over Europe, go to clubs for parties and simply have fun.
Wow! Such a sweethear! Marry me! 🙂