Fan of the day: Tahir Aliyev

Time to remind you fans very often have a professional role at the Eurovision events as well. Or was it the other way around? Either way, here’s our favorite TV producer, Tahir Aliyev. We are really sorry he won’t be joining us in Kyiv this year, as last time we saw him he showed up with 200 bottles of cognac in the press center. Also, we figure Tahir must be pretty good at his job, as he always make us do unquestionable things in the name of Azerbaijan, even when we weren’t exactly fans to begin with. Stay warned as we introduce him to you:

Name, age, occupation, where are you from (we will welcome alternative facts here if needed)?

Tahir Aliyev, 38, Senior TV and Sports Broadcast Producer , Baku, Azerbaijan.

Why do you love Eurovision?

Eurovision is a great event which brings many cultures on one stage and its the best part of this contest.

Tell us about a favorite memory related to Eurovision (Bring it on, the dirtier, the better)!

Of course for me the favourite moment is Azerbaijan winning Eurovision song contest in Dusseldorf in 2011.

Did you meet any Eurovision artists? Who was your favorite encounter and why?

Due to the fact that I was one of the producers of Eurovision Song Contest in Baku in 2012 I met a lot of artists. My favourite encounter is Loreen and her way of making music come alive.

Noooot sure what happened here, but we know for a fact that Tahir must have been involved.

And what Eurovision artist would you invite for dinner if you got to choose freely?

And that would be again Loreen.

What is your favorite entry ever?

I have 2 favourite entries and both of them affected my professional career. They are “Hard Rock Hallelujah” by Lordi and “Running Scared” by Nikki Jamal and Eldar

What is your favorite entry this year?

I like our entry very much and Italy.

What is the ultimate fan behavior?

At Eurovision in Helsinki, during press conference of Russian band Serebro which means silver, I asked girls: will they update Serebro to Gold by winning Eurovision? They remembered by question by telling to journalists that it was the best question which made me happy as I was fan of them back that time.

If Eurovision suddenly decided politics were allowed, what would be your first political statement?

I hope it will never happen with our lovely Eurovision Song Contest and I don’t even want to think about this.

Are you going to Kyiv or do you have other plans for the final? What are your expectations?

Despite organisers had some problems this year, I expect good show from Ukraine. I will follow up this year’s contest from TV as I am currently involved in TV broadcasting of upcoming 4th Islamic Solidarity Games which will take place as well on May 2017 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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