So, last night was fun. We started off in Globen, where Cyprus, Hungary and Montenegro made us proud and Azerbaijan and Austria made us blush by the thought of showing this to the rest of Europe. Read more about it here.
Off to the Israelian party, after promising ourselves to have a quiet evening and go early to bed, which of course didn’t happen. We spent quite some time in the line outside together with Belarus’ IVAN, marvelling over the level of security and surveillance some uptight countries could pull off. IVAN remained cool and told us body searches also is the latest trend in dictatorships, but the guards did not take us up on the offer to search IVAN for them. Also, we told IVAN how happy we were that he started styling his hair in a manbun, just like we recommended him to on our blog.

After being thoroughly searched and severely questioned about our 8 year old part Palestinian GEE jury member, the Israelis let us in to the party. And what do you know, the first thing that happened there was that they gave us all new weapons:

There were tons of balloons, bursting and making large booms throughout the evening, scearing the crap out of all of us. Guess that made it more authentic somehow. And speaking of authentic, Guri accidentally dressed up as the Israelian flag, or maybe that was just to impress Amir, come to think of it:

Those Israelis sure know how to party and we booked our summer holiday in Tel Aviv straight away to let Golden Boy show us some more horas. Many artists and “artists” performed. Sadly, that included Austria yet again. We sincerely hope she leaves after not making it to the final today.

Poli Genova was great, however, and so was actually Hovi Star. Only a little surprised that Hovi sang “Take Me To Church”, as we would have sworn he was a man for the synagogue. Do we have an upcoming conversion just in time for his marriage with Douwe Bob?
Speaking of upcoming marriages, we were really happy to see Amir closing the evening with Golden Boy. There’s nothing like seeing that guy shake his body to one of our all time favorite Eurovision entries. We repeat: Nothing.

In the end the Israelian ambassador entered the stage and asked everyone who loves Israel to raise their hand. We wondered for a second what would happen to the ones who didn’t, but experience told us they left us off with just a tiny hangover.

Tomorrow Guri is fighting with mister Eurovision himself, Jon Ola Sand, in Norway’s largest newspaper Aftenposten over whether Eurovision is and should be political. Could be fun. Stay tuned.