So we had an awful dream last night about Ukraine not being part of Eurovision. Then we woke up and realized this actually did happened in Vienna last year. Talk about living nightmare. Luckily Jamala is here to save us all in Stockholm!
Some might argue that Jamala and her song 1944 is a nightmare in its own right. She’s downright bothersome to a number of different people for a number of reasons. Take your pick.
How about for those fanboys moaning about this being the shoutiest, most annoying brawd on this side of Rona Nishliu. The ordeals they are about to suffer through. And we cannot imagine the Russians being overly excited about this act for reasons so obvious we can’t be bothered to elaborate on any further. And poor EBU certainly got their hands full, trying to figure out if this is a song with a political message (, and establishing peculiar flag rules no one understands the first thing about. Leave your Crimean Tatar flags at home, peeps. No wait, bring them anyway! Or on second thought forget that. Enough already!
One of the few people who seem completely unaffected by these controversies is Jamala herself. Like a force of nature she enters the stage and sings her heart out like there’s no tomorrow. She is nothing less than sensational!
We can hardly wait for her to blow the dome off Globen with a stunning, stripped down performance tailored to convey a strong story from our not so distant past. With not so hidden connotations to the present situation. It will be emotional, authentic and raw.
Welcome back Ukraine, don’t ever leave us again!