In Norway we’re still holding our breath and crossing our fingers for Agnete to actually show up in Stockholm, but otherwise it seems like the preparations before the rehearsals kick off in Globen are running along smoothly. A sneak peak of how the stage will look like tells us that we’re about to get reacquainted with the good old television test signal, which will give a nice retro touch to the competition. Well done, SVT!

The preparations in the Good Evening Europe HQ are also slowly coming together. With the all-important accreditation secured, flight and train tickets booked and thanks to AirBnB, a nice and stylish flat in the heart of Stockholm’s most trendy hipster neighborhood will be our base throughout our weeklong stay.
With all the logistics sorted out by our secretaries and paid for by our sponsors, we’re slowly starting to think about what to pack. Besides a nice selection of fabulous frocks, glittery tops, painkillers and sensible sneakers, what more does a girl need? Sadly we’re leaving the killer heels at home, since we in a sudden vision of clarity realized that said heels indeed will kill us, after all we only have tickets to the standing area in Globen this year.
The only thing left for us now is to decide which flags to bring! One simply cannot attend Eurovision without a carefully curated selection of flags at hand, ready to manifest the support and love we feel for our favorites. And of course for the purpose of trying get our faces on live television for two seconds. Watch out for us!

How can we not support a man with the best voice, the meanest root lift and the vastest array of glittery and golden leather jackets ever to been seen since David Bowie’s peak years? The Polish flag is definitely coming with us to Stockholm. In fact we are so exited by the Polish entry by now, we’re trying to find out how to get our hands on this dress:
Perhaps our readers can help us out by checking if this is available on Polish Ebay?
The Netherlands
“We need to bring a Dutch flag to Eurovision” is a sentence we never thought we’d utter, but Douwe Bob made it happen. We realize that this will probably be a onetime investment for us, but we figured what the heck. If we tilt it sideways we can also use it to support France. Or perhaps we can make it simple during the Grand Final and just wear our fabulous orange dresses and make a dress change inbetween Poland and The Netherlands?
First we thought about just bringing our Maltese flag, hoping no one would really notice the difference when we jump up and down screaming to Thomas G:son’s fab Britpop number. But then again, we might be the only ones in Globen who bothered to bring a Georgian flag, making it our safest bet to appear on TV.
The mauve color in Latvia’s flag does wonder for our complexion, we look 10 years younger! Luckily they have a fabulous song for us to support as well. A classic win-win situation.
Jamala must be one of the most remarkable women every to set foot on a Eurovision stage. Paired with a song brimming with feelings and not so well hidden innuendo she will leave no one untouched. We bet she will be greeted by a sea of Ukraine Crimean Tatar flags in Globen, and we just happen to know someone who will lend us their home sown Crimean Tatar flag. If we end up getting knocked out by a Russian fan, you know the reason.