There are mainly five reasons why we always love San Marino in Eurovision:
- They are a tiny little nation in a crowded pool of European elephants
They are Europe’s baby sister; wild and unpredictable, yet irresistibly charming
- They gave us Valentina Monetta. THREE times.
- They are the mothership of all WTF moments, hence always give us something to write about
- They are almost Italy
In the beginning it was a bit hard to like Serhat, though, for several reasons:
- He wasn’t Valentina Monetta
- He turned out to be Leonard Cohen, Sammarinese edition instead, and that sounded a bit old and boring for us
- The song kept going and going with no sense of rythm or reason, only witnessing of a strong wish to be the next cruise ship singer after Berlusconi
- The Video. Don’t even get us started on the video
- They were not quite Italy
But THEN something happened. On the 7th day, the king of San Marino woke up and said “let there be disco”. And there was disco. And we all saw it and we knew that is was good. Really good.
We’ve had disappointment after disappointment this year. First there was the unmentionable truth about Norway, scrapping the best dico entry ever seen on the stage of Oslo spektrum. We have applied for new citizenship and are still trying to get over that. Then there was the fact that Greece turned all serious on us. Or that Malta is wrong in all ways possible. And the list goes on.
That’s why Leonard Cohen, Sammarinese DISCO edition, is among the best news we’ve had this year. It already sounds kind of good in the video, and we’re sure there will be alterations. We cannot wait for the live version of this – senza boring dreamy look, con a wonderful, quirky man and his shiny dancers.
When everything else fails, you can always count on San Marino. There are five reasons why we now love Serhat:
- We love the disco
- We love the disco
- We love the disco
- We love the disco
- We love the disco
Mille grazie, San Marino. Il nostro amore per sempre!