This Eurovision season seems to be a goldmine for those of us enjoying decent rock music. Check out this little gem from Montenegro:
As entries have been continuously confirmed for Stockholm, great rock tunes have popped up all over Europe, really. Especially in the more eastern countries, which we all know are way ahead of the rest of us. And when even Thomas G:Son drew a Cypriote rock band out of his magic hat, we just had to believe there’s a new loud in town. Mind you, that is quite ok with us.
Not that we don’t like a little disco, a dash of country or a fine ballad, but there’s something about rock that kind of ticks our box. And especially the heartfelt, authentic ones like the one from Montenegro.
The band Highway emerged into popularity from a talent show – which also seems to be a huge trend this year. And boy, can they play. They seem really tight, focused and skilled, both as singers, musicians and button pushers. The song is pretty straightforward, but unlike a few louder songs we know, there is an identifiable melody to remember here– a bridge, even. For that we are grateful.
Now, let’s focus a little on the lyrics. As fine ladies a wee bit past our 20s, we certainly find something a little…intriguing about a couple of young boys making their voices a little deeper than usual and insisting on getting inside you for about a hundred times during the song. It could of course make Eurovision PG rated for the first time in history, which would be sort of fun, but then again: We’ve seen and heard worse. Let’s just say thank you for the entertainment. We’re sure it will be appreciated by the cava-drinking crowd on a Saturday night.
As for Montenegro, we think it is a brave move to send these guys to Stockholm. It tells us this country cares about more than finding a formula for winning, and that is always highly appreciated. We keep wondering if Europe is ready to vote for this, though. Your guess is as good as ours, but Highway will certainly hit the ones who are not exactly hard core fans of Eurovision. We all know that in spite of their denial, they watch too. And when THEY see something they like, their shock is so severe that they immediately reach for their voting machines out of pure reflex.
And then, no one knows what’ll happen.
More interested in these guys?
Read MTV Serbia’s glorious interview (we recommend Google Translate).

Finally someone who knows to appreciate this great song! 🙂