It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Tis the season to be jolly! O come, all ye faithful. And have yourself a merry little Eurovision season!
We can’t wait to start tearing apart all those entries and reporting live from the audience for you, but sadly there are very few chosen ones yet. A few songs will be rendered a thousand times still. And then there is the need to do a recess and have a look at what has been going on the last couple of months. Here’s some of the gossip, predictions and prayers and hopes for you:
Great things could happen in Hungary
So, we closed our eyes for a minute and made a wish. That one day Hungary would bring us a good looking, well behaved bloke with a voice and song to match. Turns out his name is Freddie. Which is short for Fehérvári Gábor Alfréd and a synonym for pretty perfect. He hasn’t conquered his national final yet, but there is no chance he wouldn’t, right? Meet us in Stockholm, baby, we’ll mess around.

Sanremo is brilliant as always
In Italy the Sanremo Festival is currently going on, as it will be for the rest of the week. Bless them. They have the only national final in the world where the level of the participants is way higher than in the international final and where Nicole Kidman accidentally shows up onstage. And still no one without a PhD is even able to understand the voting system. We can’t wait to see who will win the whole thing. Also, we think Berlusconi is doing his community service sweeping the floors between each act, which makes everything worth it. Stay tuned for further comments.
The UK will host a national final
Which is totally bonkers. Pictures or didn’t happen.
And Cyprus is really promising
We mean, there is Francois, Constantinos, Harrys, Antonis AND Chris. Bad news they are all waiting for Thomas G:Son to finish their song. Guess he is the Minus One.

Greece shows some trampoline potential
Greece promises the moon long before the song is ready, which is not like them at all, of course. The thought of a bunch of people from Thessaloniki showing up in Stockholm is always intriguing, though. As is their statement that “The lyrics will refer to the refugee crisis and the financial difficulties we are facing, but the song is really happy and upbeat”. Such a good thing they sing in a very comprehensive language. Now all we need is a giant trampoline to complete it all.
Latvia has an amazing song
Latvia has an incredibly great song in their national final. Betcha it will never reach Stockholm. Just our kind of luck.

Ukraine will probably finish top five
If they pick the right song, that is. We have The Hardkiss, which is all about fabulous outfits and Kim Kardashian’s lipstick. And then we have Jamala. If she makes it to Stockholm no one will know what hit them until she screams her way out again. Maybe even with a trophy. Be wise, voters, be wise. It’s comeback time.
So much to look forward to really. We hereby declare Eurovision season 2016 officially open. Stay with us for more updates and extravaganza.