So, we might be world famous bloggers in Armenia and all sorts of other places, but being patriotic has never been our strongest side. There’s just too much crap emerging in our country and too much good do be discovered in others. In Eurovision, we’ve even been so bitchy with our own that we are regularly threatened with losing our citizenship and being traded to Azerbaijan for a few drops of oil.
But if Carl Espen barely saved us last year, this year we should be award a medal.
While Mørland & Debrah Scarlett were pronounced winners of Eurovision by the international crowd long before they won their national final, they were completely overlooked by the Norwegian press until they went ahead and secured themselves the MGP trophy. Except by us, that is. We were totally bonkers from the first time we heard it. We mean, here we were, not really giving a damn about internal relations, and then two FABULOUS people showed up? Out of NOWHERE? And they KNEW how to sing?
How is that even possible in a country that believes culture is something we use for relaxing entertainment in the general assemblies of our oil companies?
And the awe lives on. Not only are Debrah and Kjetil fabulous looking people, Debrah being the best femme fatale that ever touched these grounds and Kjetil having reached our hotlist, which is usually reserved for foreigners.
Mørland & Scarlett are also great performers, completely nailing Vienna. Watching both the concert from the opera house and the rehearsals from the Stadthalle has been a joy ride all along. They are rock solid, the key change lifts the roof as it is supposed to and we get just the right amount of pretentious. Our only concern is that while Sweden are calling themselves heroes, we are calling ourselves monsters. That could be damaging to our reputation somehow.
Then again, we don’t like to brag. And none of our national heroes are trying to trash talk people that could be in their winning way like certain…other countries. These people, they just do their job. And they do it perfectly.
We are finally proud to be Norwegians. For a while, anyway.

Best of luck to Mörland and Debrah, hope to see both of us neighbours in the Final! All the best from Reykjavík, Eyrún and Hildur!
sounds like the same ballads that Norway sends every year though but good luck!