Hungary has turned out to become one of our favorite countries in Eurovision after a string of excellent entries. We’ve grown to love them so much we have even considered taking a trip to Budapest for the A Dal national final, and expect that we all will be heading in that direction in not too long when the Magyars end up winning the ESC. And then they have the nerve to go all peace anthem on us? We do not approve.
Unless you are a German singer of tender age with long blonde hair and a white guitar, the chances of making a peace anthem work in ESC are close to zero. It so easily becomes a drippy affair, with too much pathos and self-righteous holiness, but oh so little substance and real impact. Boggie is brave (read: stupid/naïve/cynical take your pick) enough to give it a try and she is thereby running the risk of being perceived as opportunistic, mawkish and willing to sell her nan just to score a few votes, even though she probably has the purest intentions and really just wants everybody to be friends and to get along.
The big issue here is the lack of a credible narrative behind the song and why Boggie choose to sing it. We know next to nothing about this artist and it’s up to her and the delegation around her to tell us her story. We may or may not like the entries from Poland and Romania this year, but at the very least someone made sure that we can acknowledge a true and heartfelt commitment behind those entries. According to Boggie she is easily touched by any human suffering and thinks that nowadays we have more and more of that near and far. So she would like to raise people’s attention towards this issue. Fine, how very profound, coming from someone who would also like to point out that she was nominated as Glamour Woman of the Year in 2015.
As we have acquired quite a few readers from Hungary over the years we feel terrible giving their selected entry a bad review. We find ourselves genuinely WANTING to like every Hungarian entry. But it’s a two way street we suppose, and when they stop providing us with our annual fix of hot blokes performing cool hipster pop, contemporary dubstep and new wave synthpop we get grumpy. And that’s not contributing to world peace in our neck of the woods, that’s for sure.
We realize that even though we’re not buying this package, Wars For Nothing will probably strike a cord with enough people to do quite well. But we must admit we’d rather see it bomb, to shake those savvy Hungarians back on track and come back with the good stuff next year.

This is probably a borderline qualifier and I think that she will set up a new Eurovision record. It’s probably gonna be the first and maybe last country ever to finish on the 27th place in the grand final.
Whoever ends up finishing 27th this year will be remembered for a while at least, as long as the Aussie’s participation really turns out to be a one off thing.
P. S. 😮 spoiler alert on Romania! 😮
We said we may or may not like the Romanian entry. Stay tuned to find out which it’s gonna be!
Writing solid lyrics of a song for peace, it’s a very difficult task, that should be left to the likes of John Lennon, Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen. I think that this nice girl is just unfit for such a challange, it’s something bigger than her.
Yes, it is a difficult task indeed, not to be taken lightly upon. However it’s not a craft exclusively mastered by male artists. And last year’s Nobel Prize laureate Malala showed us that even a young girl could have a message of real importance, which the world needs to listen to. Boggie on the other hand is helplessly clueless.