Oh, what a fabulous day it was yesterday! Having finally arrived on Danish soil, and moved into our very posh flat in Vesterbro strategically close to Euroclub, we hurried out to the glamorous Eurovision Island to catch the first semi-final live in the arena. The fan tickets for all shows cost us pretty much the size of Moldova’s GDP so there was no way we were gonna miss out. And whatta show it was! We were absolutely blown away by the stage and the Danes did what they do best, being cheeky and fun with just a little pinch of smugness.
Having attended the winners’ press conference after the show we were whisked away by the shuttle bus to Euroclub where the party continued into the wee hours.
Here are a few snap shots:
We spotted Conchita’s car outside the arena. Even though she’s a great advocate for the acceptance of facial hair we figure she might be a little more meticulous on maintenance in the regions further down below.
Good Evening Europe! The performers on stage had a great view up to where they could spot their favorite bloggersLittle did we know that we were actually invited to a wedding in Euroclub. Good ting we had dressed up appropriately for the occasion.The groom and groom, with a bunch of random people and what seems to be a peacock, or possibly a parrot of some sort.It turned out the fabouolus parrot could sing. We love birds.Hurrah, it’s Yellowpönk! He asked for a snuggle to celebrate getting through to the Grand Final.On our way home we noticed these posters plastered all over town. We figure it must be the Danish ESC contestant this year. Go Jeppe!