This is Malmø calling! Yesterday we finally jetted across Skagerrak to take proper part in the shenanigans a certain singing contest is creating down in Southern Sweden. After having stacked up on booze at the Duty Free shop, and spilled all the money we saved by having mediocre and insanely expensive sushi at Oslo Airport, we were good and ready to hit the town and start stalking Eurovision celebs and harassing friends and fellow fans we met along our way.
Unfortunately we made it a little late to catch the semi-final live in the arena so we decided to watch it on the big screen in one of Malmø’s finer establishments. So did around 40 middle aged primary school teachers. We can safely say we had a blast. Good thing the bar was just across the street from Euroclub so we tippy toed our way over there to celebrate the ten qualifiers and mourn those we lost. Or the other way around when it comes to a couple of the songs.

Being such influential Eurovision bloggers, we willingly shared our thoughts on the outcome when being interviewed by Lise Karlsnes, popstar and MGP-diva, now reporter for the radio channel P4’s morning show. We cannot for the life of us remember what we rambled on about, but we’re sure it was very thoughtful and profound. That must have been a great moment in Lise Karlsnes’ new career.

Euroclub was good fun into the wee hours, however we spotted surprisingly few Eurovision stars there. We wonder how they spend their nights in hip and happening Malmø. Do they go to bed early? How very inappropriate and disappointing. At the very least we hooked up with our friend and fellow blogger Geir, and we thought we caught a glimpse of the Icelandic singer, but it turned out to be Thomas G:son. Bummer.

Now we’re off to catch the first dress rehearsal for the second semi-final and another night of glitzy glam and Eurovision galore!