Another glorious Eurovision final has come to an end. Here in the Former Swedish Republic Of Norway we are truly happy for Loreen and have already started designing our dresses for all the parties we will attend in Sweden next year. Meanwhile, let us give you a little summary of this magnificent weekend.
As GEE girls we were sad to spend our weekend apart this year as one of us was a little caught up at work. But she promises to spend all the money she earned on a speech therapist for Loreen so we maybe can learn what the lyrics actually are. The other girl was very happy to spend her night partying with the renown Melodi Grand Prix legend Stian Kvil and 30 of his closest Eurovision enthusiasts. Let us just give you a quick heads up on how fabulous he is:

Also present at the party was a bunch of other gorgeous people adding up to about 30 Eurovision loving architects with amazing style. Let us give you a few examples:

Anyways, to sum up we think this final was super duper in terms of artists and totally crappy in terms of nationalism. That goes for the Azeris and for Norway alike. We think Tooji did his very best and we will always be so proud of him, also for the way he responded after his loss. We’re not going to join the large group of Norwegian people now claiming this is about Eastern European friendships and political voting, that we should have sent someone with “more Norwegian” heritage or that the Swedes are behaving badly in trashing Norwegians. After all the best song won, it was Nordic and the performer was Moroccan. Go Tooji and go Loreen!
We do however need to talk about the interval act. We mean, seriously, if you are to spend all of Azerbaijan’s money and all of A1’s integrity in just about ten minutes, is this really the best you can do?

Oh, and yeah, let’s look forward. Here in Norway we are looking into the prospects of a new dawn for MGP as our very own Per Sundnes has now decided to retire. If you don’t know, Per Sundnes is the little fellow with the glasses that tends to stand in the forefront if Norway does something good in Eurovision and magically disappears when the results are a tiny bit weaker. He claims his reason for retiring is that he doesn’t have more room for artists around his dinner table, and maybe that’s why we saw Tooji like this Saturday night?

Anyways, we just want to let NRK know, we are expecting their call any minute now. Thank you all for your lovely company in 2012 and see you all in Stockholm!
You two should SO replace Per as joint MGP Generals!! We can just see all the schlagertastic fabulousness you’ll bring to MGP 2013!
Aww, thanks, sweethearts. We are expecting a call any day now, for sure.