What to do when you thought you had found gold, but your audience only awards it silver? Repaint and try again.
At least that’s what Ireland did for this year’s Eurovision entry, providing us yet another double version of boys suffering from that AHPD (Attention seeking Hyperactive Pop Disorder) we sort of got a glimpse of last year. Yup, here’s Jedward, and their hair hasn’t moved an inch. Still, the music sort of degenerated along the way, and after all that’s what this contest is about (didn’t think so? Don’t blame us, blame the EBU and the Azergov and let us rest well in denial).
We don’t know if it’s the robocop boots, the on key manly coupling, the total agony of being in love or the tripleproduced feeling of it all, but this sounds a bit like the Backstreet Boys reappearing from a planet of higher voltage. Good for Backstreet Boys, not so good for Jedward. Actually, we sort of wish the story about Jedward as some crazy twin chaps that appeared, was properly loved and then disappeared, lived on forever and that we didn’t have to utter a bad word about them for the rest of our humble Eurovisional lives. That’s why we’ll ignore the rest of our dark and twisted thoughts here. And just say “Remember 2011? Too bad those fun, glam Irish boys didn’t win so we could all have a blast in Dublin, but at least we’ll play their song at other parties.”
Guess this song will succeed with someone and guess that’s enough for bronze or something. Nevertheless – Our best advice to Ireland is to come to terms with the fact that gold cannot be forged the second time around either. Please move on and dig some more.