Oh, well, it didn’t go Stella’s way tonight. We are so disappointed and a little bit shocked we must say, but there’s a lot of countries with crappy entries out there with a lot of good neighbors and the early draw and the sound problems in the beginning of the show didn’t exactly do us any favors. Regardless, we are so proud of Stella and her backing crew, they all did a great job and we couldn’t have asked for more!
Here are some highlights and lowpoints according to the GEE jury:
- We were quite taken aback by the fact that Turkey didn’t make it and wonder which country will get all the Turkish diaspora votes on Saturday. Will they boycott the final or will they back Azerbaijan? In that case we might be off to Baku next year as Ell&Nikki delivered a competent performance tonight and have drawn a late spot in running order the final (19).
- And by Armenia not making it out of the semi for the first time ever, gives the Azeris more the reason to celebrate we guess.
- No more celebrations for Croatia though, which easily won the prize of horror out of the bunch, our ears are still bleeding.
- Lithuania was easy on the ear and even comprehensible for those who can’t hear at all, but still a surprise it went through. Good for them, we wish them success as the Eurovision world has been so harsh to them before.
- We are appalled with Georgia scoring a ticket to the final, how can this even happen? Who can seriously think this rubbish is better than Stella’s lovely Haba Haba? And they even drew the last spot in the running order in the final, couldn’t we have ended the show on a more positive note? We agree with all the emo kids out there, the world is so unfair and cruel, there is no justice and everybody hurts.
- We are so happy for Hungary making it through! Finally something to cheer for! Kati’s frock is still awful, but hey, she did good. Bummer with the bad draw in the final, number 5.
- We were pleasantly surprised by Iceland, a magic performance and they deserved to be amongst the lucky 10.
- And we are seriously considering replacing Norway in our Fav 5, with Finland, but that might be against the rules? We completely fell in love with Paradise Oskar, he was over the top amazing! We adore the Mother Earth backdrop on stage. We have to get up early tomorrow cause we got inspired to save the planet, and we better start now! Finland is opening the final as number 1 in the running order, we hope this will not spoil his chances….

All right, it’s time to stop sobbing and to move on! Looking forward to semi-final 2 on Thursday!
Litauen gikk videre ja…til stor glede:)
Så gøy at du heia på Litauen, en stor overraskelse at den gikk videre. Men den dama er jo faktisk litt kul, og hun kan synge! Hurra! Vi gleder oss på Litauens vegne, vi heia på dem i fjor og unner dem en plass i finalen, selv om sangen i år er ganske kjedelig.
Grunnlaget er på bloggen min, første post 🙂
Kul blogg, den skal sjekkest ut nærmere! Vi har en viss anelse om hvorfor kjolen falt i smak ja…
I am so disappointed. Lovely eagle woman with voice to break the arena did not make it. Ray of sunshine Stella did not make it. Portugese revolutionaires did not make it. Energetic and melodic Magdalena did not make it.
Instead we have Georgie, Russia, and Lithuania. Life certainly is not fair.
We feel your pain, the world is a cruel and unforgiving place at times! But hey, let’s look forward to the next semi-final coming up, more favorites to cheer for there:-)
Haba Haba er en uinteressant låt. Kanskje det burde understrekes at M i MGP står for Melodi, noe som Haba Haba mangler. Musikk er mer enn ei jente som rister seg på en scene, det må ha en interessant melodi og harmonisk struktur. De som skrev Haba haba er tydelig teknopoppere som er vant til å komponere på computer, hvor du kan utdype visse instrumenter som bass og slagverk og gjenta rytmiske former. Dette erstatter imidlertid ikke en interessant melodi og Haba Haba er overraskende usofistikert. Det minste de kunne ha gjort hadde vært et durskifte, men til og med dette var for komplisert for dem. Haba Haba er en dum låt som tapte fortjent.