With the rehearsals well underway in Düsseldorf, the excitement of the Eurovision final week is rapidly growing. While some entrants are picking up popularity and gaining new fans as we write, others have jaded after doing train wreck rehearsals or by not coming across as very likable during the press conferences. As last year, we have picked five favorites to cheer for. We find it impossible to agree on only one, and besides what’s the point of that anyways? It’s much more fun to pick several, and if a few of them crash and burn in the semi we still got it covered and have someone to support in the big Saturday final.
A quick browse through our five favorites last year shows that a couple of them failed miserably and got wiped off the stage in the semi-finals, two did reasonably well, and the last one went ahead and won the whole thing! We were all happy faced and content toddling out of Telenor Arena, in our new underwear, which was blue, btw. And we had dresses on also in case you wondered.
So, after much consideration and tough negotiations we have finally agreed on our Fav 5, 2011, and without further ado, here they are (in random order, we might add):

We were blown away from the very first moment we heard this upbeat, very slick and well-produced pop song from Hungary. We usually don’t go for this particular genre in Eurovision, but Kati Wolf’s convincing vocals and the sophisticated retro 80s touch won us over. It makes us wonder why so many countries keep sending such rubbish songs to ESC year after year when cream of the crop songs can be done as seemingly effortlessly as this, even with limited recourses. It’s all about the songcraft really, not just jotting a few lines down on a napkin and let the autotune do the rest. Kati herself also seems to have talent in abundance, even though we are getting a bit worried after reading reports from her first rehearsal, which was quite underwhelming accordning to most people.

And a big fat no to her ghastly frock. We are loving the color, but c’mon, how can a hot MILF drape herself in such an unflattering piece of garment? Sack the stylist!
It’s all about the ladies so far, and what’s not to like with this hot chick? She’s modern, funky and in your face from the very first beat. You can always rely on something outside the box from the Estonians as they have consistently given us daring, different and high quality songs the past few years. This year is no exception and the same goes for our concerns on whether Europe will actually get this and appreciate it as much as we do. So here’s a piece of advice for all of you, next Thursday grab your phone and dial 1273, erm sorry, 15 and send Getter Jaani to the big final!

Stella! She is the star! And she shines so bright up on that stage in Esprit Arena with her golden lame tutu dress and the warmest and biggest smile, our hearts are about to burst with joy and pride. You either have to be dead or inhuman not to catch the highly contagious Haba Haba fever. By the end of next week we figure pretty much most of Europe is infected, and with nonfunctioning arms after doing the Haba Haba dance a few times too many. We know that’s how we will end up at least, and it’s totally worth it. And wouldn’t it be fun to bring Eurovision back to Norway again? It might be too much to hope for, but we do have a hunch on NRK searching trough their pockets for quite a few extra dimes already. Just in case. (Oh, and in case you are say, Swedish and building up an argument on how we Norwegians always only love ourselves, we just want you to take a look at our stories on Didrik last year first).
We might love schlagers and parties and Eurovision extravaganza until it hurts in our sore dancing feet. But if you look past the display of glossy red lips, golden dresses, glittery earrrings, sky high heels and feather boas and deep into our hearts, you’d still find the true GEE girl. And that one is all dressed in black and all ready for rock music. Add our weakness for hunky boys with messed up hair in their early twenties and you get why we were so happy to discover Denmark’s AFIL. Actually, the somewhat lame Danes next to us in Ballerup Arena during the DMGP final thought we were from another planet, that’s how much we cheered for a New Tomorrow (they were somewhat reassured by the fact that we were Norwegian, though).
The song is starting to drive everyone around us mad, as we are constantly playing it on repeat, and guess what? That’s exactly what we did with that Satellite chick last year. We all know how that went, so our hopes are sky high. Plus for bringing fabulous outfits to D-town also. That open shirt of Tim Schou is a sight for not exactly sore eyes and we’re so happy the dead cat was left at home. Also so cool to bring your own inflatables. Now all we can hope for is for their blowing machine to show up in time, and we’re sure Germany would be very pleased. (Oh yes, we know, Sweden, your are probably even more pissed now. But your song is totally crappy, you can’t expect us to place you in the same category as these fellas).
Ah, but will Germany ever be the same after hosting two electro shocked Jedwards with their lipstick on? We certainly won’t and we’re so happy these guys were rescued from the brothel of X-Factor and given to an audience who knows how to appreciate them. These guys actually make us long for the tapes we recorded from the radio shows back in the 80s, and that’s not a common diagnose.

We’re a little put off by the fact that they seem to have traded their glossy red outfits for glossy army style, though. Maybe not the best choice when we’re all in some kind of war while trying to make our friends believe we’re not. But who cares anyway? This is Euovision and here they come. Check their coulor! Check their energy! Check their cheekiness! Check how we love them!
i love your commentary. Hungary and Ireland were two of my faves
Thanks! Non of of fav 5 made it to the very top this year, but it will be exciting to have next year’s ESC in Baku. And at least one of those two from Azerbaijan could sing, Ell has the real talent. Nikki probably just has the dad with the most money:-)