The snippets of this year’s DMGP-finalists are finally out! We are super excited cause in just a couple of days we will be on location in Copenhagen following the events and of course we will be sharing it all with you on our blog.
Is some ways snippets are really useless cause it’s basically impossible to get the whole picture without knowing how the artists will look on stage, if they could carry a tune live, how the show and choreography will be and so on. But we’ll give it a shot and share our first impressions. We are not overly enthusiastic at the moment, the songs sound a bit too similar and we would have welcomed more genres and greater diversity. On the overall impression of the line-up we get sort of an average Melodifestivalen semi-final vibe, which is not so strange since a bunch of Swedes have their sticky fingers attached to a handful of the numbers. None of the snippets are screaming “this is the winner” at us. On a more positive note, we must confess that some of the snippets sounds dangerously catchy, and one does not have to be cutting edge innovative to create at massive hit. And we like the fact that most of the songs are uptempo and happy, that’s kinda what we expect the Danes to deliver, they’re shiny, happy people and we like it that way.
Ok, here’s our verdict so far:
Anne Noa – Sleepless
Catchy and contemporary from one of the masterminds behind Lena’s Satellite. Much more straight forward and less quirky than Lena though. Anne Noa is only 17 so it should be interesting to see if she’ll pull it off live.
Jenny Berggren – Let Your Heart Be Mine
Could have been a track on one of Ace of Bace’s million selling records from the 90s. In other words, it sounds quite dated. And we get the feeling that Jenny Berggren is a little too old to still be operating within this genre. It’s a thin line between being a hot and sexy MILF and just pathetically clinging to your youth.
Jeffrey – Drømmen
This is one cute charming guy, we’ll tell you that. And his song resides safely in the RnB musical landscape with lyrics in Danish which seems to be very popular in Denmark. But perhaps it’s a little too forgettable to be taken as a serious contender?
Le Freak – 25 Hours a Day
One of the favorites to win with a schlager written Thomas G:son all over it. In our opinion boring and uninventive in an been there, done that, next please kinda way. That’s why it’s all so bloody annoying that this is the only chorus we actually can remember after listening to all the ten snippets a few times. It’s slowly eating up our brains, grinding and grinding and it’s driving us bonkers. God dammit, Thomas G:son!
Sine Vig – You’ll Get Me Through
Yawn, this song is just as boring as the girl who sings it looks like. We’re sure she’s all very nice, but this is not our cuppa.
Stine Kinck – Hvad hjertet lever af
Oh, we so wish this would be better! It sounds a little odd, with kind of a trip-hop flare. Hoping it will shape up on stage when Stine Kinck uncovers her inner drag queen. And we can’t help but noticing the constantly repeating of DR. Yeah we know, the song says “det er” meaning “it is” in Danish, it’s not a hidden commercial message on behalf of the broadcaster.
Lee Hutton – Hollywood Girl
This sounds like a guy from a boyband without all his band mates. A few years back he might have gotten a few votes solely on the fact that he’s from the land of pop and it’s all very fancy having a foreigner in the line-up. But since then, the UK have turned out to be the laughingstock of Eurovision and by that making themselves the last ones to trust if the goal is to reach a respectable placing in the international final.
Christopher Brandt – Emma
We had our eyes on this charming bloke right from the beginning at the press meeting a few weeks back. He describes himself as an old man trapped in a young man’s body, and being old-fashioned and all he does of course impersonate the perfect gentleman. His song Emma also holds a certain retro style and we can’t figure out if we think it just sounds silly or if it’s timeless and fabulous. The lyrics in the snippet sounded somewhat cheesy. Emma rhyming on dilemma and whotf sings about Sunday brunches?
Kat and Justin Hopkins – Black and Blue
This Kat woman looks kinda scary both on pictures and in real life. This song doesn’t sit well with us so far. It sounds too cold and impersonal we think.
A Friend in London – New Tomorrow
This is a band of cool looking guys and we were hoping for a cool sounding song. We were also hoping for something more on the dark side, in minor and were not expecting this bright sounding happy rock tune. Still undecided to whether we like it or not.