My hard is yours. That’s the grand message from Norway this year. But how hard is it really? Follow us as we check up on some of the hottest men of Eurovision and give you our hard verdict.

Harel Skaat is the prettiest looking boy coming out of Israel, and perhaps even in Eurovision, for quite some time. But is he really that interesting? We did a check up on the singer everyone would like to have on their lips.
We don’t really know who we were most jealous of – Anne-Marie David or Harel Skaat, when those two held hands and sang “Tu te reconnaîtres” during Miss Israel recently. “It is a beautiful, great and classical song. A classic that was written and performed as one”, mr Israel Harel says, and our Eurovision hearts, holding a special place for Luxembourg, start melting. This is some nice person, and it doesn’t help that he loves very many of this year’s entries and try not to think of them as competitors. How very sympathetic of him!
The good boy from Israel
With a voice of an angel and the looks of a God, what other country could Harel descend from but Israel? He tells us everyone in his country is very excited about ESC and that it gives him great strength. This is what he loves the most about participating. “The honor and the knowledge that an entire country is crossing their fingers and hoping you bring this great competition back to Jerusalem. Also knowing that so many people are exposed to you and your music, it’s a molding experience, which I hope never to forget”, Harel states.
Well, nicely put, but still very sweet, innocent boy this. We’re happy we have received some sweaty pics and a steamy video, because if not, we would have been a bit sickened by now. But let’s go on to his role as an artist. The deep brown eyes of Harel hopes his participation in Eurovision will have a positive impact on his career in Israel as well as abroad. “I dream of performing and singing in different countries and different languages, in front of a large and diverse audience around the world”, his soft smile adds.
Bungee jumping and spending time in bed
Yumm, we are starting to like the taste of a good boy from Israel. He agrees with us looks are important in the competition, but his good consciousness of course has to add that “many beautiful people still feel much less good looking than some of the less beautiful people”. Yeah, yeah, whatever, we think. Harel certainly knows how to get his look right with his tight, but relaxed suits and sharp shoes. It is stylist Gal Apple who helps him, he reveals, but stresses the fact that by the end of the day he makes his own decisions. Well, that ought to count for something. We will look forward to seeing him at the finals in what he classifies as an amazing suit, designed by Yossi Katzaw.
As the sweet, innocent boy Harel turns out to be, there is not much dirt to get out of him. He gives us the regular interests of recording, performing, writing, working in the studio and occasionally going out with friends. But spending time in bed, now that is something he appreciates. He likes to sleep. A lot, he tells us. We can only picture that.
As we wrap up the interview we suddenly remember Harel’s promise of bungee jumping from the Tel Aviv tower if he wins the ESC. Shoot, we forgot to ask him about that. It could have spiced it up a little. Oh, well, at least we remember it for our verdict. And we’ll have something to ask him about in Oslo, where we surely will be looking out for some Israeli hot stuff. Because we do get that sweet tooth ever so often in GEE.
Our hard verdict
What’s the deal with all innocent boys this year? We’re somewhat disappointed by the hardness of this fellow. Expectations were great, but now we are not putting him at the top of our list for party invites – he’ll be asleep by then. Still, he does look amazing and kind is never completely wrong. Maybe we’ll see other sides of him later?
Plus for sweaty pictures, tight suits, spending a lot of time in bed and planning bungee jumping. Minus for being a little reserved and way too sweet. After all, one does get sick of eating too much cake. That we learnt from Marie Antoinette.
So off with his head? Nope, not yet. It’s worth too much and we’d like to see this man up close in Oslo.