And cue this year’s big disco stomper and hands in the air gay anthem.
It’s not exactly a secret that a certain part of the Eurovision fanbase loves a big girl in a red dress, with the lung capacity to blow the roof off and pumping beats to go with it. Throw in a good portion of neatly choreographed strutting about on stage, of course carefully coordinated with the backing singers, excessive finger pointing/fist pumping in the air, uplifting, but totally trite lyrics, a busy colorful led screen backdrop and we reckon it’s only the kitchen sink missing. It’s predictable and safe and it’s super appropriate for obtaining long-lasting Eurovision fame.
The massive roar from the crowd in the arena this one is bound to receive will not translate into a landslide of votes and this genre is far too pedestrian to garner much support from the juries, but we’d be very surprised if it fails to make it through to the final. This is the kind of entry that drives a big share of the Eurovision fans to love and adore the contest with even greater passion. And likewise the perfect opportunity for those who thinks the Eurovision Song Contest is a filthy cesspole where worthless music can thrive to get their opinions confirmed and points proven. It’s probably the biggest marmite entry this season.
There’s been a few harsh comments flying around on the internet about this one, but the center of attention, Bojana Stamenov doesn’t seem to give a single fuck and nor should she. We can all learn a thing or two from her confidence. So we’re ready to celebrate with her during her upcoming Eurovision week in Vienna, and we will probably dance drunkenly with avid determination to her song in every Eurovision party we attend in many years to come.

1. Esma (FYR Macedonia 2013) is surely her fashion consultant. (
2. Verka Serduchka totally got jelly about her dress.
3. I prefer the Serbian version of the song. The English one sounds really strange to my ears.
4. I think it deserves to qualify. It will probably pull a Hera Bjork result.
1. Ah bless, Esma! Talk about firecracker in a red dress!
2. Tell us more!
3. We second that.
4. Yep, this is totally Hera Björk 2.0, Serbian edition.
2. Yeah. I heard she wants to sue Bojana for copying her style.
Lol! We think we just saw the world’s biggest human disco ball.
I really loved their 2012 entry; Laureen must forgive me, but that that year Serbia was, in my opinion, the moral winner.
So it’s difficult for me to like this kind of entry, even if I’m not between the vieewers whose pretend that an artist must rappresent the traditon of his country, this is ESC, not a folk festival.
Anyway this girl has voice, presence and a nice personality , so I will be happy to see her in the top ten.
We find that the quintessential Balkan ballad is growing in our estimation. And in a year where Serbia goes massive gay anthem on us, we still have Montenegro. There’s room for both, we’d say.