Yay, we are just done with the jury final for the first semi final and the juries must be having a hard time deciding, because there were some great entries in here and all artists did a great job. We’re super excited about the semi final tomorrow, and of course about the result. This is what we noticed:
Azerbaijan: Not perfect singing this time. Looked amazing, but there was some noise in the image. Clearly, they don’t have their best producer in place.
Iceland: Great performance. He couldn’t have done more to impress the jury, nor the fans this year. But unfortunately we fear he won’t do much more either.
Albania: Best singing and studded jacket of the evening. We’re starting to love this song even more. But might be influenced by the fact that they really, really want to party with us.
Belgium: Does anyone know the status of the blood reserves in the Portuguese hospitals? We seriously fear this lady might need a refill before tomorrow’s semi-final.
Czech Republic: Had some trouble getting his backpack back on which disturbed his performance for a second. One would think that a guy that’s still in elementary school, was able to put his backpack on. Did great singing, though, and saved the audience from the pain of another backflip.
Lithuania: Lithuania sings about how much she’s looking forward to getting old. FYI: It isn’t that great.
Israel: OK, we will check out flights for Tel Aviv for next year, just to be on the safe side.
Belarus: This must be wrong. Don’t EBU know Alexander Rybak is representing both Norway and Belarus?
Estonia: Best dress of the evening is a pretty easy win for this lady. She also did some stellar singing. We noticed the Wiwibloggs guys were busy zooming their camera in on themselves during this entry, so we figure it is not a fan favorite.
Bulgaria: Gave a highly impressive performance with plenty of goose bump moments. We’re starting to love this, and have not a shred of integrity left. And it’s only Monday.
FYR Macedonia: Has developed a knack for messing up the staging and singing out of tune and this year they are right on track for missing the final yet another year.
Croatia: Franka is one of those people who looks like a mix of a number of different celebrities. Which must make her feel really special.
Austria: Spent a bit too much energy on lifting the stage in the beginning and forgot he was meant to sing. But when he jumped off, it improved a lot, so we’re still doing our hail Cesars over here.
Greece: The Greek woman should seriously consider changing to another hand soap. This year Cyprus is on fire while there’s only smoke left for Greece.
Finland: Best upside down singing of the evening. Has a giant David star on stage. What a clever way to nick a few votes from Israel.
Armenia: Hot bloke with a shouty song. We can live with that. We grew up in the country of black metal, after all.
Ireland: We keep forgetting this one. We actually had to go back and edit this post because we forgot to write something. Looks like global warming hasn’t reached Ireland yet as its snowing on stage.
Switzerland: The staging of this entry is so cool we almost forget how bad the song is. Also a word of warning: We have studied the list of what you are not allowed to bring into the arena, and we are pretty sure fireworks was on it.
Cyprus: we regret not putting Eleni on our hotlist, she would be the third Albanian making the list this year. We’re booking our flights to Tirana as we speak, we need need to find out what the put in their drinking water.
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