Georgia has a lot to offer. This one is For You:
We would absolutely LOVE if Georgia won one year and brought the contest to Tbilisi. The Georgians must be one of the warmest, friendliest and most hospitable people in the world. They have delicious food in vast quantities, lovely wine and a rich and interesting cultural scene. And most importantly they absolutely love to throw big, fat supras were everyone is welcome. We know most certainly that the Georgians are longing for the opportunity to host and show the world their beautiful country, which so far is a well-kept secret to most people.
However, unlike other countries desperate to win, they have always managed to stay true to themselves. This has resulted in an impressively diverse mishmash of genres and artists since their debut in 2007. We salute the Georgians for their integrity and courage! This year the band Iriao has been given the task to try and secure the first win, all though we suspect the Georgians themselves realize already that this is probably not gonna happen. Arguably this entry is so outlandish they found it necessary to equip Iriao with the prefix Ethno-Jazz Band in all the official promo material. We would never have guessed the genre without it, we suppose.
We fear this one will sink without a trace in the second semi-final. Not because it deserves a faith on the bottom of the scoreboard, but based on how previous similar attempts have scored we can’t see how this one is going to have a big impact on neither the juries nor the voters. It’s a beautiful piece of art, well crafted and well preformed and we’re deeply fascinated by the polyphonic singing. But it leaves us wanting for something more accessible, it’s too demanding and requires an acquired taste, and there ain’t nobody got time for that in Eurovision.
Sooner or later Georgia will win Eurovision and we look forward to that day. In the meantime let’s just say it’s beneficial for our waistlines that it’s not happening this year. We simply cannot see how we can avoid gaining at least 10 pounds after a week on Khachapuri.