Rule of thumb when you have a god-awful song to present? Get naked, apparently.
Kasia Moś can try all she wants to make us believe that the promo video for Flashlight is meant to be tastefully artsy. Does she actually think she will get away with it, using the oldest trick in the book to draw the attention away from the fact that the song itself is boring as f*ck, plagued with banal, ridiculous lyrics and at the end of the day just takes up space in the running order of the first semi-final? As if there’s nothing like the display of naked skin and half a boob here and there to take our minds off it.
We wonder if she will show up on stage in Kyiv without garment on her torso. Rumour has it that previous Eurovision winner Loreen already did something similar so perhaps it’s part of a new trend. Maybe even male artists will start performing without pants, like Donald Duck? Or here’s an idea, how about everyone keeping a certain amount of clothes on? We do not think the world is ready for the naked edition of Eurovision just yet
We can’t think of anyone who would actually become inclined to vote for this sad excuse of a ballad. It reminds us of Wild Soul, the Moldovan entry in Copenhagen, which ended dead last in the semi-finals that year. We predict a similar result for Poland in Kyiv and it will be well deserved, and suitable punishment for imposing lyrics like “fire, like a burning desire” on us. Shame on you, Poland!

Hahaha girlies! How can I resist to these lines without laugh? I have to admit after our crush on Michał Szpak (AKA the Polish rockstar prince who gave colors of our lives), I’ve put great expectations on Poland’s national final, and course 2017’s contestants were better than 2016’s ones… However, their live performances were so awful, boring, disappointed. Despite of trying to impress everybody that she sung stronger than she really needed, Kasia Moś was the only option among those freaking performances. Martin was my favorite, but he destroyed all the odds after putting those backing vocals in his performance. If he was performing alone, he would be a strong contender.
We were also gutted after Martin Fitch not making the cut this year. If it was up to us Poland would alternate sending him and Michał Szpak to Eurovision every other year!
YAY! Totally agree, girls!