Fan of the day: Ian Fowell

Attending parties and events is the ultimate fan behaviour, says the next person up in our fan interview series, Ian Fowell. We couldn’t agree more, and we are always very happy to meet Ian in most events we go to. Now let us introduce him to you:

Name, where are you from?

My name is Ian Fowell. I am from Liverpool, England. I write for

Why do you love Eurovision?

I have loved Eurovision from a young age. I love the music from different countries and I like the idea everyone getting together to celebrate this great event.

Tell us about a favorite memory related to Eurovision (Bring it on, the dirtier, the better)!

Ha ha…I won a karaoke competition at the Macedonian party in Kiev in 2005 ‘singing’ a version of their entry that year, Make My Day. There were about 6 people on stage and I was last to ‘sing’. The other candidates just read the words from the lyrics sheet to the backing music. But I tried to ‘sing’ them and got the audience involved. It was great fun! Some people asked for my autograph after I left the stage, and one girl even offered more than that!!.

Did you meet any Eurovision artists? Who was your favourite encounter and why?

I have been lucky to meet many singers from Eurovision over the years. I guess my greatest memory was meeting Loreen from Sweden in 2012 in Baku. She was so nice and it was awesome she won that year!

And what Eurovision artist would you invite for dinner if you got to choose freely?

The four members of ABBA. It would be awesome chatting to them about the great music and memories they have provided.

What is your favourite entry ever?

Die For You by Antique for Greece in 2001. Amazing song that I never get tired of hearing.

What is your favorite entry this year?

At the moment I love the Estonian song Verona by Koit Toome & Laura.

What is the ultimate fan behaviour?

For me it is to attend parties and events and meet great people from around Europe and the world!

If Eurovision suddenly decided politics were allowed, what would be your first political statement?

The first political statement is not to bring politics in to Eurovision and to give every country participating an equal chance including the minnows like San Marino!

Are you going to Kyiv or do you have other plans for the final? What are your expectations?

I am hoping to go to Kiev. I am looking forward to it. I like the city. I have been twice before and I have friends there also. It will be nice to meet them and other familiar faces and new faces. I visited the Swedish Melodifestal final. It was a great show!

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