Fan of the day: Cristina Giuntini

While we in GEE tend to make every year Italian, most people agree 2017 is all about a certain Italian and his ape. What better then, than to present a few of our favorite fans from Italy to you? Please welcome the president of the Italian OGAE fan club, Signora Cristina Giuntini:

Name, age, occupation, where are you from (we will welcome alternative facts here if needed)?

I’m Cristina Giuntini, 50 years old, I work as an employee in an office, I was born in Florence but live in Prato.

Why do you love Eurovision?

Because it is a great way of getting to know other countries and people starting from a small thing such as a song.

Tell us about a favorite memory related to Eurovision (Bring it on, we love the gossip)!

In 2011, when Italy was back to the competition with Raphael Gualazzi, the voting was simply amazing! It started as a disaster, then the points piled on and on and on… until we finished second! My friends and I in the arena were just going crazy! I jumped on a chair, shouted to Raphael that I loved him, and mind, you, I don’t drink!

Did you meet any Eurovision artists? Who was your favorite encounter and why?

I met a lot of them: being the president of OGAE Italy I often get to meet them at our parties or for interviews. I could name Claudia Faniello, Omar Naber, Maya Sar, Hersi Matmuja, Jalisse, Valentina Monetta, Marco Mengoni… But my favorite encounter was with Fabrizio Faniello, who was our guest for 3 days for our party in Bologna. We just got on so well together, it felt as we’d known each other for ages. I often say that I fell in love with him – but don’t tell my husband!

And what Eurovision artist would you invite for dinner if you got to choose freely?

No doubt: Sergio Dalma!

What is your favorite entry ever?

It’s really hard to say! Maybe “Nocturne” by Secret Garden.

What is your favorite entry this year?

OK: let’s put aside Italy, and San Marino, Malta and Slovenia (all friends of mine). Apart from them, I’d say Finland.

What is the ultimate fan behavior?

Just having fun and supporting your favorite entry, no matter what the result is.

If Eurovision suddenly decided politics were allowed, what would be your first political statement?

Let’s throw politics out of Eurovision again!!!

Are you going to Kyiv or do you have other plans for the final? What are your expectations?

Yes, I am! I will watch the final from the Press Center and will write on our website at the same time. I’d prefer not to have any expectations… They are too high for Italy this year!

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