Don’t know if you noticed, but this year Eurovision is all about the rock music. And so far there is one band on the throne: Minus One from Cyprus. We didn’t miss the chance to chat them up, of course.
– First of all: Congratulations on being the chosen candidates for Cyprus this year! We were truly happy to see you going to Stockholm. (Sorry, we know this is not a question. You can just say thank you).
– Well listen… we’ll leave the Thank you’s (if any)for the end of the interview. We havent gotten all the questions yet.
– Tell us a bit about your band. Are you huge in Aiya Napa? What is your musical inspiration?
– We play Rock music, of course we’re abundantly huge in Ayia Napa and we’re influenced by everything from Duran Duran to Metallica.
– What’s your song “Alter Ego” about? Do you guys have multiple personalities?
– We like to believe that we don’t, but easier said than done. Having multiple personalities can cause problems though sometimes. It all depends which personality we all are at which moment. Some of our personalities do not get along….AT ALL! Our main characters our cool though, it can get confusing!
We like to say that the song can mean different things to different people. It is mainly about being caught in the middle of decisions, but one an interpret it any way it suits them.
– Who would be your preferred alter ego (we mean, apart from Conchita, we all want to be her)?
– There are five of us so that is a very dangerous question. If we told you, though,you would probably put together a pretty kick ass adult film !

– Why did you team up with Thomas G:son? Are you envious of his long, blonde hair?
– Well actually we’re still asking ourselves the same question…WHY THE F@#K did we team up with Thomas !?!? It was actually CYBC’s idea. We love collaborations and we thought this would be an interesting one.
– As for the hair…….NO !
– What dirty tricks did you use on Thomas G:son to make him write a rock song? Do you think the fact that an experienced hitmaker like him actually did, says something about a change in what songs Europe wants?
– We took him out for drinks and got him trashed, that did the trick! He wanted to write a song with a Justin Bieber sort of sound, but we fixed that!
I guess he liked the band, and the fact that we don’t play hard rock made this collaboration really easy. Both us and Thomas were on the same page from the beginning and
we co-wrote the song. Who knows, maybe he does know what he’s doing!
– There are several rock entries this year, including yours. Do you think we finally reached the moment in history where Europe realizes rock is way better than ethno ballads? How can we keep it that way permanently?
– No…and….We cant!
– We noticed that you all look fabulous. Can you recommend us some photoshop filters?
– Believe it or not it is all 100% natural. What you should really worry about is your taste in men.
– How did you choose the members for your band? Did you host a beauty pageant, or are all Cypriotic men just like that?
– Just keep reading the previous answer until you are totally convinced. Either that, or start drinking more.

– What are your plans for Stockholm, apart from winning Eurovision? Are you going to Euroclub or just driving around in your fabulous car?
– Telling a Cypriot entry they can win the Eurovision song contest? You are mean…very mean! We ain’t taking you for a drive, that’s for sure!
– Well, we know some really good power plants in Stockholm. Any chance we could be your plus one over there?
– Well, you kind of got on our bad side with the previous question, but maybe we’ll let you carry our stuff.
– Do you count on 12 points from Greece? How about from France (Editor’s comment: Francois is half French)?
– Nope, we do not, and: Really? We have only one country that gives us 12 points, let it go and go pick on one of the others (yes you know who I’m talking about). Plus Greece didn’t give us 12 points last year so get over it.
– France: Yes. We want the 12 from France!!
– We noticed Francois is impersonating Bono in The Voice these days. Are you also planning on saving the world?
– Haha, of course. Is that not the number one priority of all rock bands? saving the world?
– Did you know your lead singer Francois Micheletto has almost the same name as Italy’s artist Francesca Michielin this year? Is that on purpose? Do you think there will be a mix up?
– Wow, that’s cool, we did not know that. It’s pretty conveniant because we were actually looking for something to pick on him.
– What will you do when you win? Do you think Eurovision will be a beach party in Ayia Napa next year (*crossing our fingers and searching for flattering, tiny bikinis online as we speak*)
– We’re hoping it’s a beach party. It’s about time we got out of the studios and in to the sun. You Nordic countries could use some color. Don’t worry about the bikinis, we will provide them for you!
– Thank you for this truly inspiring talk. We can’t wait to hook up in Stockholm! (Sorry, we know this is not a question. You can just say whatever).
– It was our pleasure, looking forward to meeting you, and yeah……Whatever 🙂
Our verdict:
All right, so did these guys live up to our very high expectations? Have to say we’re not impressed with the lack of thank yous. Also, offering us to carry their stuff isn’t exactly gentleman behavior. Then again, they might just be true feminists who believe in equal distribution of labor and THAT ticks almost as many of our boxes as the cat pictures Francois keeps posting on Facebook. Minus One seems to possess a true rock’n roll attitute, which works pretty goddamn well for us. We can’t wait to watch that adult film in our bright new bikinis sometimes very soon.
Also, we’ve heard this competition is about music, and we like their version of it. Read our review and watch Minus One’s entry below: