We want to congratulate Edurne from Spain for just having confirmed the most common prejudice held against WAGs: they have too much money and precious little taste.
This ginormous turkey of a song has been over-hyped from the very beginning, and the prefix over can be added to just about every word to describe it. Over-produced, over-performed, overrated, over-the-top, you name it. It’s a vulgar display of every worn out cliché in the book and surprise, surprise, you will find a certain lank haired Swede lurking around backstage. Goodness gracious us, we dare not to think about what it will be like some 20 years down the line when Thomas G:son has been relegated to writing songs for San Marino.
If the staging is anything like the promo video, and reports from the first rehearsal suggest that we’re heading in that direction, prepare yourself for three minutes feeling like you’re grounded in a teenage girl’s room, say right around 1992. And that’s one memory that does not need to be revisited, trust us on this one. It seems like this number is throwing everything in there in the hope that it will result in a bloody fantastic pile of perfection, but all it’s doing is rearranging everyone’s stomach content. We wonder what we have done to deserve this treatment from a country that’s usually so pleasant with its sunny beaches, yummy tapas and breezy sangria. We like to think about Spain as a friendly, smiling haven for tired nuclear families in need of a break, not the gates of hell where spoiled wives can get the attention they think they deserve.
Apparently Edurne dropped a brick by calling the lovely city of Manchester filthier than the back of a fridge and we just heard her hubby has been sold to Real Madrid, so we guess there’s no need to wonder why. Perhaps she should be more worried about tidying up her own massive mess of a car crash performance. So how about picking up a couple of tips from the queen of all footballers’ wives Victoria Beckham. After all we can’t recall Posh-Spice ever having trash talked Madrid, and she had the sense to stop bothering the rest of us with her singing.