Oh sod off, Israel

As kids we were always a little afraid of clowns. Then as we grew up and got our reality checks on the big world in order, we were major afraid of Israel. Here’s all our worst nightmares perfectly combined:

Ah, Israel. We so wish we didn’t have to relate to you at all. But here you are. Occupying our Eurovisional territory with all you whining and dining and welcome the cirkus. Pleading for us to take you seriously. Couldn’t you at least bring us a decent song? We mean, this is actually so polluting we can soon blame you for global warming. Along with…you know, all sorts.

At least the band, Izabo, is professional and probably cool enough. But they are also the kind of band that leaves you totally exhausted halfway through one song. Here’s all kinds of rythms, instruments, voices and moves boiling away in the melting pot so nicely labeled as ‘indie’ and ‘eclectic’. It’s just as though they were so happy they got to participate in Eurovision that they decided to show us everything they know in one song. And that’s unfortunately way too many talents for 3,19 minutes. Go find Simon Cowell instead.

In fact, we keep wondering if this is even a song, not just all sorts of screaming and distorted children’s songs and showing off how weird you really can be if you make an effort. That could have been cool, if there was meaning in it. But this is meaningless head spam presented by a clown or two.

Sorry, Israel. You and the Azeris are what put political in Eurovision so we’ll take that into account. There’s no excuse for either of you. Now won’t you please just sod off and let us have a party without having to increase our security?


    1. For at vi skal kunne gi poeng til Israel må det i så fall være til en usedvanlig heit mann, ala Harel som sang så pent og inderlig for et par år tilbake. Ellers så bruker vi stort sett tiden til å vifte med det palestinske flagget når Israel synger. I Oslo var det like før noen klabba til oss pga av det der… Fine folk.

      1. Hva hadde dere forventet? 🙂 Det er akkurat som om jeg skulle dratt til Bethlehem og gått rundt med en plakat der det stod; “arabere er brødre og har solidaritet med hverandre”. Jeg hadde fortjent de klabbingene som hadde kommet, eventuelt “mastool”-kommentarene som hadde kommet i fleng 🙂

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