The only familiarity we have with Austrian rap is Falco’s epic Rock Me Amadeus from the glorious 80s. And make no mistake, we really dig that song in an extremely non-ironic way. We would scream with joy and dance on the tables if someone accidentally played this track at a party. So in theory we should be supportive of rap from Austria coming from cool, but oh so pretentious, dudes with attitudes.
However, after forcing ourselves to sit through a couple of run-throughs of Trackshittaz’ Woki Mit Deim Popo, we think we might be in need of psycho therapy to recover from the scars it has left on our souls. Everything about this number is so vile it’s beyond words. We pray that these blokes will get a big fat zero from the juries in Baku, and we feel truly sorry for the poor sods that admit to liking this piece of shit (pun indeed intended). Seriously, what is wrong with the people of Austria? But if they want to be represented by a couple of imbeciles fronting a sexist, tasteless show, then we suppose they’re welcome to it. The joke’s on them, really. Oh Gawd, we feel like frumpy, old hags being so negative, but c’mon peeps, what’s sexy about this blatant display of vulgarity? Nadine Beiler last year was sexy, with her classic LBD, perky bob and big voice.
Goddammit, Austria, we were happy upon your return last year. Now you make us wish it never happened.
They really, really should have picked Conchita Wurst…
We couldn’t agree more, she would have been fab in Baku!
Hi again, I have beeen enjoying your comments and reviews a lot, all very witty and to the point, but I’ve reached this far and come on!, what’s all this whining about sexism here now?
You’ll have noticed the boys are shaking their popos at us just as much, and as nicely, as the girls there. This song is sheer fun, it makes you wanna dance and dance, which is not often the case with rap, and their voices sound great. I can´t have enough of it!
Also, in a year so crowded with serious, dreary ballads exhausting love and broken hearts yet again – crying Rona and beautiful Kuula not included -, doesn’t it feel just like heaven to have a chant dedicated to a good old bum?
Conchita Wurst?! Well now really, you’ve got a nerve! 😉
Haha, thanks for sharing your opinion on this one, we love reading comments like yours! And perhaps we’ll give the popo’s a second chance after all. Or maybe not, we’ll probably still hate it. And when it comes to Conchita we have nothing but respect for a woman who can grow such a well groomed beard like hers!:-)