Ok peeps, we’re back in business, hurrah! The first MGP semi-final is only a couple of days away, and we are of course bouncing off the walls with pure excitement. After last weekend’s Plumbogate we suppose the big question this year will be whether anyone in the running will manage to beat these charming chavs. We think not, but let’s not go there. We prefer to remain in denial while desperately trying to find plausible contenders.
Looking on the bright side of things, the first semi-final heat is actually not that bad. The overall quality seems to be better than last year, but there are no songs that scream winner and douze points in Baku. This might change when we get to see the live performances though. Ørlandet is all about the Divas really, and that can never be a bad thing. So which one do we prefer?
Benedicte Adrian is a Eurovision Legend, no doubt about that. She made rags tied up in tangly hair high fashion back in the 80s, and Dollie de Luxe’s “Lenge Leve Livet” wasn’t that bad either. Underrated at least. But this year’s effort, as part of the group United, we’re not so sure about. We just don’t see the grandness of a middle aged woman wailing in the background of a couple of cool kids rapping. Please feel free to prove us wrong, Benedicte, and we are digging the cool kids you’ve hooked up with. Moving on to the next Diva with far more success on West End we might add, is Lisa Stokke. We love Lisa! She really gets what Eurovision is all about and everything about her is tailormade to shine up on that yet to be built stage in Baku. The problem is the song, we must admit we find it a bit boring, and trying far too hard to fit the format. So you better work it, Lisa. A piece of advice with love from the GEE HQ.
Nora Foss Al-Jabri is clearly a Diva in the making. At a tender age of 16 she has already been on Oprah, and has about a gasillion hits on Youtube. She can sing alright, and shows off an impressive set of lungs. Too bad the song “Somewhere Beautiful” is excruciatingly dull, and we get the feeling that we will be somewhere not very beautiful when it’s Nora’s time to fill the screen. And yes, that’s us insinuating that we will pop off to the loo.
Apparently there will be a girl group from last year’s X-Factor as well, Irresistible. We’ll rather chew off our arms than being forced to watch that show so we’ve never heard of them before. But the best of luck becoming second last or something at Ørlandet. We’re sure it will do wonders for their career.
Reidun Sæther we don’t know that much about, but this lady is shaping up to be one of the favorites to proceed to the final from Ørlandet. We have a hard time forgiving Thomas G:son for being the man behind one of the worst Norwegian ESC entries ever, but if Reidun manages to beat Plumbo with his schlager we might be able to forgo our resentment. This song is great in a Kati Wolf of last year kind of way, so it all depends on the live performance we think. Fingers crossed for Reidun!
There’s a few guys in the running at Ørlandet as well. The Carburetors’ “Don’t Touch The Flame” and Kim André Rysstad’s “Så vidunderleg (So wonderful)” both have some potential in each their genres, but we’re not exactly blown away. And Rudi Myntevik should just stick to what he knows best, Hallelujah’s on Sunday church services.
We can hardly wait for the fun to begin! And for all you Norwegian readers out there, be sure to catch the preview show on NRK1 tonight at 20:15. We suspect that Jan Åge Fjørtoft’s MGP debut will be one for the history books…
We’re cheering for Reidun this week! And Lisa too! Can’t wait to see what fabulousness the interval acts are gonna be!! Let the schlager season commence!
We’re quite pleased with the result yesterday. But Reidun needs a far more glamourous frock and add a couple of hot male dancers to stand a chance in the big final! No fabulous interval acts this year, buhu. We hope Per is saving it for for something completely over the top amazing in Oslo Spektrum in February!
Ja, da kom semifinalens største (og fabelaktige) kløft videre. Reidun med en sang som er midt på treet, og som vil glemmes raskt forsåvidt. Kjolen var det samme, og hun var min outsider. Flott dame, som kan gjøre med på sceneopptreden da den virker litt for stivt. Litt sving på hoftene skader ingen. Nora var en selvfølgelighet, dog personlig synes jeg låten er kjedelig, hørt det samme førti tusen ganger før. Selv om Noras stemme er fabelaktig, så faller selve sangen ned i avgrunnen for intetsigende og anonyme sanger. Carburetors var overraskelsen for min del da de gikk videre. De fikk iallefall ikke noe på min kropp til finne frem luftgitaren. Så sisteplass eller deromkring i hovedfinalen er sikret.
Selv håpet jeg på Irresistible skulle gå videre. Trenger noen freske damer, og sangen var etter min mening en av de bedre. Men, den var uansett litt for kjedelig selv om den i perioder viste at den kunne. Mangler noe “upbeattempo”, gladlåter med rytmer. Får håpe delfinale 2 og 3 viser oss noe av det.
Den finalens værste var Benedicte. Himmel og hav får noe kråkeskriking.
Ellers. Gleder meg til fortsettelsen. 🙂
Uff. Grammatikken er under enhver kritikk. Skal skjerpe meg.
Heisann! Godt og se at du henger med inn i nok en ny sesong med Grand Prix galskap, og at du er klar for å bidra med knivskarpe analyser, det liker vi! Og helt enig angående Reidun, her må både kjole og sceneshow kraftig forbedres om hun skal ha sjanse i finalen.
Og ligeså. Skal bli en fryd å lese betraktningene deres, som har en snert og humor som gjør at smilebåndene aktiveres. Så da er vårens vakreste eventyr startet. Iallefall artigste.
Samstemte er vi iallefall om Reidun.