Dancing with the stars is up and running in Norway, and this season it’s actually kinda great due to the fab crew TV 2 has managed to gather. There is even two former MGP participants still dancing – Stella Mwangi and Rune Larsen. We’re actually more than happy to stay home on a Saturday night, and especially so tonight. Because tonight it is show time. Eurovisional show time, in fact.
All couples will be dancing to Eurovision songs – everything from Diggi Loo Diggi Ley to J’aime La Vie to Hard Rock Hallelujah. We can’t wait to see their interpretation, although will be aware of the blasphemy of rather dull musicians performing the songs. But hey, you can’t get it all, and we’re confident the frocks, glitter and moves will be more than satisfying enough to make up for it.
And which will be our favorite? We should probably go with Stella or MGP vet Rune. Then again, you know how weak GEE girls are when faced with those attractive men, and we already spotted these red shoes back in ESC Oslo 2010:
We mean, how often do you find yourself thinking the journalist is the best dressed man in a crowd full of Eurovision stars? Never. Unless Noman Mubashir is involved. And for that we salute him. Add the fact that Noman will be dancing to Bucks Fizz’ Making your mind up, and you should know who to cheer for. At least we do. You might just like Anna Anka’s Diva performance instead. And we won’t blame you.