It’s time to beat the Danes again. In football, that is. But just before the Danes go completely bananas in trashing Norwegians for the sake of trying to preserve what’s left of their confidence, let us just show you that we are better people. Once, about 11 years ago, you were actually the winners, peepz:
Have to admit, though, at least one part of GEE was rather shocked by this incident. This was actully one of two Eurovision finals she has missed ever as she was situated on the opposite side of the world trying to study English and media so that she could write this blog later in her life. Internet was not at it’s peak back then – some even thought it to be a passing phenomenon, so watching the actual song online wasn’t easy, and in the meantime she had to settle for images. And what images. She was like ‘WTF!! What happened to my beloved Europe? Who stole glitter, glamour, electric guitars and wind machine hair and replaced it with two old men in black looking like they belong in the New Zealand countryside?’
It was some horrifying experience all right. But it did get better once she got to hear the song. And now we have both learned to love it very much. After all, we have gotten a certain…understanding of the fact that you can not be young and shiny all your life.
So enjoy these two hobgoblins. They are as close as you’ll get to Danish victory the next couple of days. Now let’s play some ball, shall we?
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