The official welcome party of Eurovision Song Contest 2011 went down on Saturday and since we were not there parading up the red carpet like we did last year, we have decided that it wasn’t half as good, and we probably didn’t miss out on anything. Most of the Eurovision celebs had thrown on their fanciest rags for the occasion, and let’s just say that some have a better sense of style than others…
Flipping through the pics from we can at least point out a couple of observations. The EBU photographer is clearly no fashion photographer, in fact, we wonder if he has even held a camera in his hands ever before. And at times we wonder if this is even taken from the right event as it looks more like some random guy’s Facebook album from a Halloween party he attended in high school. Good grief! Very well, here’s some red carpet highlights and lowlights for you.
Allyson,I loved your observations and suggestions. It helps me to take apart the situation piece by piece and separate what I can do and what I have no control over. When I do this it keep me focused on what I can do instead of throwing my hands in the air with disappointments. Sometimes I really have to look at it closely to see what I CAN do. But there is always something.
I really hope Belarus or Estonia wins;)
We’re with you on Estonia, but Belarus? Don’t think so:-)
Allyson,I loved your observations and suggestions. It helps me to take apart the situation piece by piece and separate what I can do and what I have no control over. When I do this it keep me focused on what I can do instead of throwing my hands in the air with disappointments. Sometimes I really have to look at it closely to see what I CAN do. But there is always something.
Aurela from Albania look´s like famous spanish artist “marujita díaz” 🙂