All right, so today is gonna be the day when Norwegians kick Danish ass. But Jesus Christ, we are so in love with this song all right:
We mean, could you seriously look into those idealistic eyes of lead singer Tim Schou and not love him forever? Could you not be a little mad at that fur clad bass singer (what animal IS THAT anyway and WHO killed that cat?) in the rock’n roll love you anyways kind of way? How adorable is the shiny, happy, waving, stomping guitarist? And don’t you just wanna be the drums beneath those drumsticks? We’d make many tomorrows with those boys for sure.
Well, cougar love set aside, we think this song is smashing. Actually so smashing people around us are kinda sick of us playing it. Only you can’t really get sick of it. It’s one of those cathcy, kinda naive straight rock songs that stick to your head and make you happy any time of the day. With great lyrics to match. If there is one dark horse this year, this is gotta be it and we actually think this will do real good.
And don’t even get us started on the props. Since we were little girls at the tivoli we have been easily lured into doing all sorts of stuff by balloons, and let’s admit: There are many of them and they are huge and they can fly! Add the fact that we do love Flaming Lips, who must have inspired them, and you’ve got us where you want us. Now all we want for Christmas is Tim Schou crowd surfing in a huge inflatable ball.
Denmark is all for making a new tomorrow. Much needed these days, we’d say. Let’s start by making things happen in Düsseldorf. Just after we beat you at Ullevaal, that is.
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