Finally, all entries for ESC 2011 are known! There might be a few last minute changes still, like who knows what goes on in Belarus, and some countries are currently flipping through the Oxford Dictionary trying to piece together a decent translation from whatever language into English. We really wish they didn’t, but that’s a different story.
And the bitching between the Nordic countries about which entry will do best in Düsseldorf is on! At the end of the day we stick together and vote for each-other, but it’s not exactly a secret that we love beating the crap out of smug Swedes, which has happened quite often lately.
And what do you think about the Nordic entries this year? Do you love Denmark’s anthemic rock song as much as we do? Are you sweet on Paradise Oskar, or do you fancy Eric who’s so desperate to become popular? And what about those likable Icelandic, who wouldn’t like to have friends like them? We hated our own entry with passion last year, but find Stella’s Haba Haba quite irresistible.
Now it’s your turn to have your say!