So, remember our competition a while back where you could win autographed CDs by the Lithuanian glitterati? We got some real good answers there, and here are our five winners with their reasons InCulto should win ESC.
They just really kick ass! Good vibrations with a cheeky text and a great stage presence. That’s what I like to see in Eurovision. That’s why I love them.
Piotr, Poland/Norway
The sparkling hotpants, of course!
Stephen, Belgium
Because they’re Lithuanians!!!! And also they’re going to be Eurovision winners this year! See you next year in Vilnius! ;*
Lina, Lithuania
They are great musicians, funny and talented guys, they do what they want and they bring energy to the contest this year and also I feel very proud to see a Latin American in the stage of ESC with a song that I really hope to see in the final. Cuz they work very hard and they deserve the best this year in Eurovision.
Oswald, Venezuela
They mix a great party vibe with a good and clear political message. I love the energy and the act which is sexy perfection in simplicity. 2011?: Welcome to Lithuania!
Jan, Netherlands
Guess these boys have fans all over the world! We are almost as moved as they should be. Congratulations on getting your autographed CDs you lucky winners, and hope all you others are inspired to get your votes going.
Best of luck for the finals, InCulto. You will always be our winners!
As happy as I am that I won the cd, so sad am I about the results. I sms-d like crazy but it didn't do much good. Now Inculto, have a few drinks and then keep up the good work!