My hard is yours. That’s the grand message from Norway this year. But how hard is it really? Follow us as we check up on some of the hottest men of Eurovision and give you our hard verdict.
So, the big buzz around Eurovision town is that the most charming, fun and likable contestant this year comes from Poland. And when he insisted on meeting us for an interview on his busiest and most important day of his Eurovision career so far, which is the D-day for Semi-Final 1, we knew that checking him out was worthwhile.
The atmosphere in the lobby of Oslo Plaza, where we met up with him this Tuesday morning, was charged with energy and anticipation as the different delegations waited to be picked up heading for Telenor Arena and their final dress rehearsal. Marcin didn’t have a lot of time on his hands, but still he greeted us with a warm hug and gave us his undivided attention.
We kinda sensed that Marcin Mroziński had this special something already before we met him, cause he was all over the place on the internet, making witty video blogs on Youtube, talking to people on Facebook and sending greetings through the blogger site of According to Marcin this is a great way to get attention when you don’t have a lot of money to spend doing promotion in a more conventional way. “We don’t have the same budget as other delegations, like Azerbaijan or Israel for example, so we just have to make the best of it and find alternative ways of making our entry known”, Marcin tells us. “Besides this is something that really suits me, I love being on Facebook and getting to know people. When I came to Oslo I recognized a lot of people I’ve only met online, how great is that?” he smiles. We can’t agree more. When we first met Marcin outside the Opera House at the Georgian party a couple of days ago he almost shouted at us when he saw us “Hey, I know you, you’re the two blogger girls!” We almost fainted, what a star moment for two simple, small town girls from Norway.
“I also wanted to share with people what goes on behind the scenes. As a Eurovision fan myself, I know that this is stuff that people are interested in, so I just wish to show folks how it all works, how it looks like and try and communicate how it feels being in the middle of things” Marcin explains.
It is truly charming to see him act almost like a kid left alone in a candy store. You can just tell that he enjoys every second of this experience, being present at all the parties, talking to fans and journalists, cracking jokes and having fun. And he is not just a nobody hitting the jackpot coming out of nowhere for Eurovision. Marcin is a big star back home in Poland with 15 years in the limelight behind him, as an artist, actor and TV show host.
“Being an experienced artist helps me on stage in ESC. When presenting a song in ESC it helps a lot to have a background of acting, and having been on stage over 500 times doing musicals. I feel calm and confident and I hope to get some real energy from the audience in Telenor Arena tonight”, our Polish friend tells us. He is ready to do his very best tonight, and does of course hope that Europe will love his song and his performance so much that they pick up the phone and vote for him.
Our hard verdict
How can we not love a man who gives himself so wholeheartedly to everyone crossing his path? Big plus for seeming so sincere and for his ability to live in the moment and getting the most out of every situation in life. We also applaud his smartness when it comes to taking advantage of using social media. If his artistic career goes badly, he can surely make a lot of money giving lectures on how to make use of this technology. Not that we ever think that will happen. His appearance is just rock solid in every thinkable aspect, so we suppose it can’t get any harder than this.
Minuses? Can’t really think of much. It must be if he doesn’t pull trough to the final tonight, cause then we won’t be able to enjoy the pleasure of his company here in Oslo any longer.
Now it’s up to you Europe. Give this fabulous man your support!
Please vote for Marcin, please vote for "Legenda"!He's awesome artist and man 😀
wow! Im impressed of Polish Representant!good luck Marcin!!! I will vote and I hope all television from first semifinal countries, too! Go to Final talented and so charming Man from Poland, GO MARCIN!