My hard is yours. That’s the grand message from Norway this year. But how hard is it really? Follow us as we check out some of the hottest men of Eurovision and give you our hard verdict.
So, you figured our Norwegian hearts belonged to Didrik? Think again. Here’s Alexander Stenerud. In Norway he has introduced himself in MGP, the Norwegian national pre selection rounds for ESC, during the past three years, with great success.
“I don’t think I will participate another time” Alexander Stenerud declares over lunch beneath the spire of the Oslo cathedral. It breaks our hearts, as he has been one of our favorites during all of his three contributions so far. Although we do understand his wish to focus on other great projects, like his synth pop band Zuma bringing joy to our radio ever so often, we still don’t picture anything better suited for Eurovision extravaganza than his upbeat pop pearls reminding us of Norway’s largest success since Ibsen, A-ha. Let’s just hope he is playing hard to get.
Developed from 2008
How is it like to participate several years in a row? “I think I developed much from the first time”, Alexander answers. “Always Always was somewhat anonymous, and I didn’t get that part of being charming on TV – I looked arrogant. After that, I’ve worked with communication, charisma and smiling to the camera. I realized that I could actually smile while on stage, and show everyone how much fun it was”. Smiling at everything is something we can easily picture Alexander doing as we meet his deep brown gaze across our salads. We did find his cockiness in 2008 kinda hot, but yeah, Mr. Charming in 2009’s Find my girl and 2010’s Give it to me probably made more televoters reach for their cell phones. Unfortunately it was not enough to take down the young loverboys Norway tends to cheer for. Please, Norwegian housewives, come to your senses and find your Man.
Speaking of Eurovision quality, music is the single most important factor for Alexander. He writes both the music and lyrics himself, being inspired by Paul McCartney, Prince and crooners like Andy Williams. Still, he agrees with us that style and performance is essential to succeed in this contest. He has ignored hints at dressing less conservative and is very particular about his appearance. That shows in his sharp suits, paired up with glitterati ties and the coolest shoes on this planet. In fact, Alexander is one of those artists that have managed to bring his own style to Eurovision instead of being trapped in someone else’s costume party. “The shoes are authentic Chelsea boots”, he reveals. “They were popular in the 60s’ Swinging London and worn by The Beatles. I used to buy them at Angels Speed Equipment, but they don’t sell them anymore”. Lucky for Alexander, Internet does, but big thumbs up from us for shopping in Oslo’s coolest store.
Not really a Eurovision fan
Despite almost having become a regular in the Norwegian MGP over the past years, Alexander doesn´t really care that much for Eurovision. “You´re probably more experts with Eurovision history than I am”, he says pointing at us. We blush slightly over this compliment, but manage to put him on the spot and ask him to give us some of his all time favorite entries. “I was more into Eurovision when I was a kid, and think many of the entries from the 70´s and 80´s were great. Like Ein Bißchen Frieden with Nicole. I also love Nocturne from 95, which in my opinion is a real classic” he tells us.
Good pick by Alexander, who is really everything you would want from a man. He is so nice and down to earth while also behaving like a gentleman and a natural born star, making the waitress stumble with words while taking his order and fellow restaurant guests turn in strange chair positions to try and catch a phrase or two. We’re happy to have met him, and can’t help but wishing just a little bit that he was our man when Europe came to town.
Our hard verdict
If Napoleon surrendered at Waterloo, we surrender here. This is hard stuff. We will not accept Alexander being the runner up anymore.
Plus for retro chic tight suits, sharp hairdos and cool shoes, for agreeing with us regarding Netherland’s horrible ESC entry this year and for being such a gentleman. Minus for not really loving Eurovision and for having a salad for lunch, which is a bit soft, but mind you – we did recommend the salads at this place and he did choose the one containing meat. So yes, we could easily give it to him.
The only reason why Alexander Stenerud won’t win our Mr. Eurovision pageant 2010 is that he’s not actually running in the finals. But watch out for him at the parties during the ESC weeks in Oslo. He has revealed that he will be performing, and one should always, always take the opportunity to see him live on stage. Lastly we do hope Europe can have a real share of him next year. Pretty please, Alexander, don’t let us down!